Coco + Salt

Functional & Integrative Nutrition



Alicia Orr is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a focus in functional and integrative medicine, including:

  • chronic illness

  • immune dysfunction

  • gastrointestinal dysbiosis (yeast + candida overgrowth)

  • SIBO

  • detoxification

  • pre-natal nutrition + fertility

  • post-natal depletion

  • infant and early childhood feeding and nutrition

  • pediatric nutrition and wellness

Her whole body approach utilizes each client’s health history from early childhood to present day, along with labs and functional testing to develop an individualized plan for health and healing.

Alicia received her undergraduate degree in dietetics from the University of Vermont and completed her dietetic internship at Massachusetts General Hospital. She worked for a number of years as a dietitian for the Boston Public Health Commission and also as a clinical dietitian in several long-term care and rehabilitation centers in the Boston area. She has received additional training through the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and through her mentor - Sidney MacDonald Baker, M.D. - often referred to as one of the founding fathers of functional medicine.


Consultation Pricing

Initial Consults ($450) include:

  • 3-4 hours of case work prior to meeting

  • 90 minute consultation with customized Plan

  • 30 minute follow-up 3-6 weeks after initial

Follow-Up Consults ($90 for 30 minutes)

Pediatric Initial Consults ($350) include:

  • 2-3 hours of case work prior to meeting

  • 60 minute consultation with customized Plan

  • 30 minute follow-up 3-6 weeks after initial

Follow-Up Consults ($75 for 30 minutes)


For information or consultation, please use the contact form below or email

